What are 3 parent-friendly easy, fun tips for reading and learning at home during the COVID-19 crisis when schools are closed that will improve reading and learning?
Here are 3 parent-friendly easy, fun tips for reading and learning to do at home to help your child have fun at home during the COVID-10 crisis when schools are closed that will improve reading comprehension, phonics, vocabulary, and grades:
- Tip 1- Your kids are most likely fearful, anxious, and stressed not being with their friends at school, sports, or play. This is a good time for parents to get in the habit of being positive. Praise your child for accomplishments to trigger happy neurons in his or her brain to boost motivation and confidence.
- Tip 2- Have your child do homework in his or her best and fastest Superlinks learning style which makes it fun and easy. It is important to find out if your child is a kinesthetic, tactile, visual, or auditory learner and prefers right-brain or left-brain learning strategies.) This will help all students, including regular ed, special education, ADHD, or learning disabilities to help them in their preferred learning and brain style.
- Tip 3- Reward your child for completing homework to give him or her a goal to look forward to.
Here's to your child's success!
Ricki Linksman, Director of National Reading Diagnostics Institute, http://www.NationalReadingDiagnosticsInstitute.com and Author of books to accelerate learning and reading in the shortest possible time while having fun:
How to Learn Anything Quickly: Quick, Easy Tips to Improve Memory, Reading Comprehension, and Test-taking Skills through the Brain's Fastest Superlinks Learning Style;
Solving Your Child's Reading Problem through Learning Styles;
From ADHD to A's:
Kinesthetic Vocabulary Activities Your Child Will Love;
and many more sold on Amazon.com through this website.
Stay safe and healthy during this COVID-19 crisis. You can do this!