Video Overview
Watch the video below to discover how we have ended the frustration of parents who have used our resources and have helped accelerate their children to success in reading and learning!

Parents and Teachers: Do you want to help your child or teen improve in reading and learning in the shortest possible time?
National Reading Diagnostics Institute and Keys Learning welcomes you to this online version of our parent-teacher institute to help you find a solution today to end your frustration in not knowing how to help your child succeed in reading and learning.
Whether your child is in regular ed, gifted, special ed, or has ADHD, ADD, or dyslexia, or your bright child is merely struggling because maybe he or she is a kinesthetic, tactile, auditory, visual, or left brain or right brain learner who is not being taught in the way he or she learns best, we have proven, affordable, and quick solutions to help him or her improve in reading or learning. We also have the fastest learn to read program on the planet for teaching beginning readers! Our premier test prep resources have proven to raise test scores from not meeting state reading standards to meeting and exceeding state reading standards within a few months. We also raise test scores for the ACT and SAT in the shortest time possible.
3 Simple Steps to Help Your Child Quickly Improve in Learning and Reading: Follow these 3 simple steps to solve your child or teen’s reading or learning problems and put him or her on the road to rapid success:
Step 1: If you know what your child or teen’s difficulty is, select the menu tab on the left to go to that page to find our proven, rapid solution. For example, you may know he or she needs help with comprehension, fluency, phonics, vocabulary, study and test-taking skills, or memory. Select the tab and explore our solutions.
(If you do not know why your child or teen is struggling with reading or learning and want an instant diagnosis to find the cause and solve it, then select the tab on the left for Reading Diagnostic Test or Accelerated Phonics through Learning Styles and Phonics Test (to get a phonics and fluency diagnosis), select the tab for memory, study skills, or test-taking skills).
Step 2: If you know your child or teen’s Superlink, his or her best and fastest way of learning, then select the resources, books, games, materials or programs for his or her Superlink style. (If you do not know his or her Superlink style, then click on the tab on the left for Superlinks Learning Style Assessment and Brain Style Assessment to find his or her best way of learning.)
Step 3: Once you know your child or teen’s reading or learning problem and his or her fastest and best way of learning, click on the menu tab on the left for immmediate access to the materials, books, games, or programs we offer to immediately olve his or her difficulty.
It does not get any easier than the above 3 steps. Select from the menu tabs on the left for the solution you need to help take your child (grades pre-K, K-12, or college) to success in: reading (phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary), raising grades and test scores, learning any subject, improving in study skills, test-taking, memory, concentration, focus, or test prep (ACT, SAT, High School Placement tests, or state reading tests). If you need assistance in selecting the solution that is that is right for your child or teen you can email: or call (630) 717-4221
Read an example of how our programs have helped end a parent’s frustration in not knowing how to help her child succeed:
“I’ve looked for years for help for my son and she is the only person that came through. Ricki has been working with my son Patrick for about 8 months now. He has made more progress in these last months than he has K through 6th grade. Ricki is the most patient person that I know and she is wonderful to work with. She provides concrete solutions to his specific areas that he needs help in. I recommend Ricki to anyone who’s child is struggling at school or who wants to give their child an advantage to suceed. Ricki has not only helped my son to learn but his attitude and confidence has increased dramatically.” –S.S., Parent, Illinois
From a school using our programs:
We can raise your child’s reading levels within weeks and months with our accelerated learn to read and improve reading and grades programs through learning styles, including Keys to Reading Success. We help any student from pre-K, K-12, and college learn to read and improve reading skills to get ahead in weeks and months–not years! 88-98% of all students who have used our resources, such as Keys to Reading Success (including those in regular education, special education, ELL or ESL, bilingual, Title 1, or gifted programs) have raised reading levels from two to five grade levels in less than eight months. We can find your child’s fastest and most effective learning styles and teach him or her to read in an accelerated way through that best learning style.
We quickly find out why your child is struggling in reading and what to do to fix the problem in the fastest possible way to raise reading levels in weeks and months. We find your child’s Superlink (your child’s learning style and brain style or brain hemispheric preference) and what reading skills your child needs to improve reading quickly. Our online courses, ebooks, materials, and our online program Keys to Reading Success also have proven easy to use, fun reading lesson plans in all learning styles to teach reading skills quickly and raise reading levels.
The best part is that this is now available to you in your home with our instant in-home online materials. For example, if you do not know what is causing your child or teen’s reading problems, poor grades or test scores, or learning difficulties, our reading diagnosis and learning styles and brain styles test can help you find out why your child is struggling with reading and what to do about it to fix the problem in the shortest possible time. If you want reading improvement help in the comfort of your own home, you have come to the right site! and
offer award-winning On-line Internet accelerated reading and learning instruction programs and books, developed by the nation’s leading reading expert, for parents, teachers, and home-school use.
Parents and Teachers: You can have instant access to any of the following books, materials, and programs:
New Book and Resources for Kinesthetic and Tactile Learners (K-12, and college):
New Book by Ricki Linksman: The Fine Line between ADHD and Kinesthetic Learners: 197 Activities to Quickly Improve Reading, Memory, and Learning in Just 10 Weeks: The Ultimate Parent Handbook for ADHD, ADD, and Kinesthetic Learners(see below for description). Priced at $29.00 if you order today you can get this over 300 page book at our special discounted price of $19.00. To order go to:
New Kinesthetic Phonics Games: Off the Wall Phonics: It’s fast, fun, easy, and it works. This award winning program developed by international accelerated learning and reading expert Ricki Linksman has proven to raise reading levels on average of two to five years growth for K-12 students and college within the shortest possible time!? 10 Levels with 10 Games each can be used to teach reading or fill in gaps in reading to raise your child to the highest possible level of fluency within the time it takes to play all 10 levels. (see below for description). To order go to:
Parents and teachers: Are you frustrated in not knowing how to help your child or teen (grades K-12 or college) improve in reading and learning, or even learn to read? If so, you have come to the right place to get instant help to quickly improve your child’s reading, memory, learning, grades, and test scores. It could be that your child or teen is a kinesthetic or tactile learner. Maybe you or others thought your child has ADHD or ADD, or your child has been labelled or even misdiagnosed with those challenges. It could be that your child is merely a kinesthetic or tactile learner and needs different techniques and strategies to read or learn. Do you feel that your kinesthetic or tactile child or teen is bright, yet you cannot understand why he or she is struggling in school or not getting the grades equal to the amount of effort he or she is making. The good news is that there is a solution–your child can be a successful learner if you use the right techniques that match his or her unique learning style and brain style!
You can get instant reading and learning help through our fast, fun, and easy lessons for kinesthetic and tactile learners (either regular ed, gifted, or special ed) or those with ADHD or ADD or dyslexia. You can quickly improve your child’s reading and learning. Get instant access to the nation’s best accelerated learning, learn to read, and rapid reading improvement program and tutoring through brain-based learning styles (for kinesthetic and tactile, as well as visual, and auditory learners, with either right brain or left brain hemispheric preferences) to accelerate learning in phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, writing, study skills, and test prep (including state reading tests, high school prep tests, or the ACT and SAT college entrance exams). National Reading Diagnostics Institute and Keys Learning headquartered in Naperville, Illinois, now offers its proven to work, affordable, premier reading instruction, reading help, and tutoring program for parents to access right from your own home to help end your child’s struggle (whether in regular ed, special ed, gifted, Title 1, ELL, or those with ADHD/ADD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, or reading disabilities) through the method that you prefer:
1) Now you have access to the same materials used by schools around the world that have consistently raised reading levels, grades, and test scores from struggle and below state standards to meet and exceed state standards within the shortest possible time. You can instantly download these award winning materials through digital e-courses, lessons, e-books, audios, webinars, and materials delivered right to your computer at home to work at your own pace, your own time, and your own place! Get the same benefits and results as offered from the original live tutoring. Now, reading help can come to you!
2) Or, if you prefer, and live in the Chicagoland and suburban areas of Illinois, we still offer our live reading diagnostics testing, learning style and brain style assessments, prescriptive reading and learning plans, and live coaching, caring reading tutoring, premier test prep (state reading tests, high school entrance exams, and ACT and SAT college entrance exam preparation) in our national headquarters, National Reading Diagnostics Institute and Keys Learning, established in 1993, in Naperville, Illinois, . (To schedule, call (630) 717-4221 or email:
Check out Ricki Linksman’s on-line proven, easy, and engaging reading lessons that parents can use with their children or teens either to help them learn to read or do home tutoring to improve reading for pre-K, K-12, and college from the comfort of your own home or vacation spot through e-courses and e-lessons and save gas mileage! Great for after-school, home-school, or summer school, accelerate your child to grade level and beyond with average of two to five years and more gains above grade level in the shortest possible time.
New course now available:
Off the Wall Phonics: (accelerated brain-based phonics program for kids who like to move. Whether your child is a kinesthetic learner, or has ADHD or ADD, or just needs to learn by moving, this is a program of fast, fun, and easy games proven to give you the fastest results in the shortest time. Even tactile, visual, and auditory, left brain or right brain learners can benefit from its multisensory approach to phonics! To order go to:
Parents: Did You Know There is a Fine Line Between ADD/ADHD and Kinesthetic, Tactile, and Right Brain Learners? The latest book by Ricki Linksman provides help for your child or teen who may be a kinesthetic learner:
New Book: The Fine Line between ADHD and Kinesthetic Learners: 197 Activities to Quickly Improve Reading, Memory, and Learning in Just 10 Weeks: The Ultimate Parent Handbook for ADHD, ADD, and Kinesthetic Learners, by Ricki Linksman: Jam-packed with hundreds of strategies, tips, and lessons to help you understand the characteristics of your kinesthetic child or teen and the best methods to teach him or her. This book has over 300 pages of quick, fun, short, and easy activities to help quickly improve reading, memory, and learning any subject. Discover how to communicate with your child to relieve tension during homework time. Find out how your child can achieve maximum success in school as a kinesthetic learner, either with ADHD or ADD, or who is misdiagnosed with these challenges, or who is just a learner who needs to move and is not being taught in his or her best brain style or learning style. Learn how your child can be succssful in school and life with these proven, effective techniques. To order go to:
For parents of children or teens with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, reading disabilities, or a reading or learning problem in school that you cannot solve, you are invited to take a free webinar with Author Ricki Linksman (How to Learn Anything Quickly, published by Barnes and Noble, and Founder-Director of National Reading Diagnostics Institute, the world’s leading accelerated learning and reading tutoring and parent training center). Learn the secrets to help end your child’s frustration in reading or any school subject in the shortest possible time. Find out if your child who you think may have ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, or reading disabilities is merely a kinesthetic, tactile, visual, auditory, or left brain or right brain learner who is not being taught in his or her best learning style! Whether you are a parent who is home-schooling your pre-K, K-12 child, or whether you are considering where to send your child for summer-school, after-school, or reading tutoring, learn how you can solve your child’s reading or learning problem and improve memory, concentration, and focus now. Accelerate your child to grade level and above grade level and raise grades and test scores in the shortest possible time. End your child’s frustration, raise confidence, motivation, and self-esteem, and transform his or her life! Sign up today as space is limited for the free webinar sponsored by Keys Learning. (If you cannot listen at that time, you can hear the replay at your convenience). Sign up for this free webinar:
World’s leading accelerated learning, reading, and brain-based learning style and memory expert, Ricki Linksman, offers training to parents and teachers through teleseminars, webinars, books, ebooks, books on Kindle for I-pad, I-phone, Android, Blackberry, etc., e-courses, assessments, reading diagnostic tests, phonics tests, phonics, comprehension, fluency, spelling, writing, and vocabulary instruction and curriculum, learning style and brain style inventory and assessment tests, coaching, and podcasts in Accelerated Learning for Kids and Teens through Superlinks Learning Styles to help improve in reading and learning.
Quickly solve your child’s learning and reading problems in all subjects from pre-school to grades K-12, including students in regular ed, gifted, special ed, ELL, bi-lingual, or Title 1 programs, or those who have been diagnosed with ADD, ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, reading disabilities, or reading problems. Ricki Linksman offers teleseminars, webinars, ebooks, books, podcasts, ecourses, and parent coaching for after-school, summer school, tutoring or homeschool to learn any subject, including helping your child learn to read and improve in reading in the shortest possible time using the Superlinks learning styles pre-K, K-12 reading curriculum. Featuring:
Kinesthetic Vocabulary
Kinesthetic Phonics
Kinesthetic Reading Comprehension
Kinesthetic Test-taking Skills
Kinesthetic ACT/SAT college test prep
Tactile Vocabulary
Tactile Phonics
Tactile Reading Comprehension
Tactile Test-taking Skills
Tactile ACT/SAT college test prep
For the following, go to the tab in this site for visual and auditory learners:
Auditory Vocabulary
Auditory Phonics
Auditory Reading Comprehension
Auditory Test-taking Skills
Auditory ACT/SAT college test prep
Visual Vocabulary
Visual Phonics
Visual Reading Comprehension
Visual Test-taking Skills
Visual ACT/SAT college test prep
2 Fun, Activity-based Vocabulary Books for Kinesthetic and Tacile Learners:
Kinesthetic Vocabulary Activities Your Child Will Love: In 27 Days Improve Your Kinesthetic Child’s Vocabulary and Comprehension. $19.00 To order go to:
Tactile Vocabulary Activities Your Child Will Love: In 27 Days Improve Your Tactile Child’s Vocabulary and Comprehension. $19.00To order go to:
Ask the International Learning Styles and Reading Expert, Ricki Linksman: Webinars and Teleseminars with Ricki Linksman: Enter your name and email address for updates on Author Virtual Book Tour Teleseminars and Webinars in which Ricki Linksman shares the secrets of the brain to help your children achieve learning success and end their struggle and yours! These webinsrs provide answers to help your child
Accelerated Learning for Kids through Learning Styles, including kinesthetic and tactile: Learn to Read and Learn to Learn Quickly Teleseminars, E-courses, Brain-based Parent Training, Books, Learning Style Inventories, and Podcasts to Help Children Quickly Learn to Read through Learning Styles, Provides Reading Instruction, Vocabulary, Comprehension, Phonics, Fluency, Math, and Writing, and Quickly Solves Learning and Reading Problems in All Subjects from Pre-school to grades K-12, including regular ed, ADD, ADHD, gifted, and Special Ed. Visit
to submit your name and email to get updates about webinars and teleseminars by the World’s Best Accelerated Learning and Reading Expert, Ricki Linksman, and a free checklist of learning tips.
Kinesthetic, Tactile, Visual, Auditory, Left-Brain and Right-Brain Learning and Reading Secrets Proven to Help Any Struggling Learner (whether in Regular Education, Special Education, ELL (English Language Learners), or Gifted Programs or Who Are Diagnosed with ADHD/ADD) Improve in Reading or Learning of Any Subject in the Shortest Possible Time Using Learning Styles Reading Methods. Featuring Kinesthetic Vocabulary, Kinesthetic Phonics, Kinesthetic Reading Comprehension, Tactile Vocabulary,Tactile Phonics, Tactile Reading Comprehension, Auditory Vocabulary, Auditory Phonics, Auditory Reading Comprehension,and Visual Vocabulary, Visual Phonics, and Visual Reading Comprehension Techniques. Visit:
Improve Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Phonics, Fluency, and Test-taking for Kinesthetic and Tactile Learners with Lesson Plans for K-12 in All Areas of Reading with Keys to Reading Success:
For parents who want reading lesson plans for your kinesthetic learner, tactile learner, visual learner, or auditory learner, with either a left-brain or right-brain hemispheric preference, you can get instant access to a password to Keys to Reading Success and give your child the online reading diagnostic test from your home to quickly solve and fix your child’s reading problems and raise grades and reading test scores. Keys to Reading Success includes its online Superlinks Accelerated Learning and Reading Program, developed by Ricki Linksman, author of How to Learn Anything Quickly and The Fine Line between ADHD and Kinesthetic Learners. Ricki Linksman was the first to develop an entire course in reading: phonics, vocabulary and comprehension for kinesthetic learners and for tactile learners. Kinesthetic learners differ from tactile learners, although someone may be a combination of both. See definitions below.
To order Keys to Reading Success and get help for your kinesthetic or tactile child NOW:
Free Parent and Teacher Resource: Questions and Answers on Kinesthetic and Tactile Learning with Ricki Linksman::
These are FAQ’s about kinesthetic learners and tactile learners that we have received from parents and teachers. If you feel you are a kinesthetic learner or you are a parent or teacher with kinesthetic children or teens, and you would like further help, you can take the Superlinks test to find out if your child is a kinesthetic learner or a left-brain kinesthetic learner, right-brain kinesthetic learner or a combination. You can also take the Keys to Learning Success on-line reading diagnostic test and get an accurate reading diagnosis with a prescriptive plan on how to improve in reading, with lessons in all learning styles and brain styles (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic left brain or right brain) with hundreds of kinesthetic lessons plans in kinesthetic reading comprehension, kinesthetic phonics, kinesthetic study skills, kinesthetic test-taking skills, and kinesthetic vocabulary skills. You will get thousands of kinesthetic lesson plans. To order Keys to Reading Success and get help for your kinesthetic child or tactile child NOW:
Q: What is a kinesthetic learner?
A: Kinesthetic learners learn best through movement of their large or gross motor muscles. They take in information best when they are moving. Movement includes learning while doing, being involved in projects, discovery, role-playing, simulations, real life activities, and learning while standing up or using the large arm muscles to write as on a flip chart or chalkboard.
Q: What is a tactile learner?
A: Tactile learners learn best through their sense of touch, such as using their hands and fingers. They learn best by writing, drawing, taking notes, using hands-on manipultives, and involving their emotions and feelings while learning.
Question: Do kinesthetic learners have A.D.D. or ADHD?
A: In my article, “The Fine Line Between A.D.D. and Kinesthetic Learners,” published in the Latitudes newsletter, and in my new book, The Fine Line between ADHD and Kinesthetic Learners: 197 Activities to Quickly Improve Reading, Memory, and Learning in Just 10 Weeks: The Ultimate Parent Handbook for ADHD, ADD, and Kinesthetic Learners I point out that a kinesthetic learner does not necessarily have ADD or ADHD. ADD or ADHD can exist in someone who learns through any learning style: visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic. It is not related to one’s learning style. On the other hand, a kinesthetic learner refers to someone whose neural brain patterns are more developed to take in information about the body’s movements through space. Unfortunately, what happens is that the movement characteristics that are typical of kinesthetic learners are also one of the characteristics on some of the checklists that parents and teachers fill out when a medical doctor diagnoses if someone has ADD or ADHD. Because the same characteristic appears for both categories–kinesthetic learners and those with ADD or ADHD, the assumption is often wrongly made that the kinesthetic learner has these challenges and may be improperly put on medication such as Ritalin.
My suggestion is that if you suspect your child has ADD or ADHD, you first try an intervention. You can find out the child’s best and fastest way of learning. Parents and teachers in school districts around the world have taken the Keys to Reading Success reading diagnostics test with its Linksman Learning Style Preference Assessment and Linksman Brain Hemispheric Preference Assessment to determine their child’s or teen’s best learning style and brain hemispheric preference, to see if he or she has a left-brain hemispheric preference or right-brain hemispheric preference. If he or she is kinesthetic, then you will find that learning kinesthetic accelerated learning techniques will help him or her be successful. If the child improves in reading and learning, your problem may be solved. If, even with the correct techniques to match the child’s learning style and brain style (Superlinks style) the child does not improve, then that would be a time to have a medical diagnosis made about ADD or ADHD. Remember, to be diagnosed as ADD or ADHD (attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactive disorder), it is a medical diagnosis, and needs a medical doctor to decide that through medical examination. (To special order Keys to Reading Success and get help for your kinethetic child or child with ADD or ADHD NOW: email:
Question: How can I teach reading to my kinesthetic child?
A: Kinesthetic people take in information in a different way. They need a different approach for learning reading, (phonics, vocabulary, or comprehension), spelling, writing, study skills, note-taking, and test-taking skills in any content area subject. For resources, the following provides thousands of kinesthetic lesson plans and activities to teach all aspects of reading through kinesthetic techniques: To order Keys to Reading Success and get help for your kinesthetic child NOW: If you would like to test to see if your child is a kinesthetic learner, the following learning style test and brain hemispheric preference assessment and reading diagnosis will help you.
Question: How does one teach reading to a tactile learner?
A: Tactile learners learn best through their hands and fingers. This is an important approach for teaching all aspects of reading: phonics or phonemic awareness, vocabulary, or comprehension, as well as study skills, note-taking skills, memory improvement, and test-taking skills. The following resources give tactile techniques, thousands of tactile activities and lesson plans, and strategies for teaching the tactile learner. (To order Keys to Reading Success and get help for your tactile child NOW: )
NEW: OFF THE WALL PHONICS: Keys to Reading Success now offers its accelerated brain-based Phonics Program through Superlinks Learning Styles. Developed by Learning Styles expert, Ricki Linksman, Off the Wall Phonics is proven to be the fastest phonics program on the planet!
Did you ever listen to your child read aloud orally? Whether your child is in elementary, middle, or high school, the ability to read all the words in a given text can affect comprehension, grades, test scores, and academic performance. If your child misreads words, mixes up words, transposes words, or guesses at words, think about the gap in comprehension that creates for your child who is not getting all the words needed to understand meaning. Part of the reason your child could be misreading words is due to lack of phonics skills to decode or sound out all words. Even if your child has a great sight word reading memory, what happens when he or she comes across a word he or she has never seen before? Does your child have the phonics skills to decode or read a new word? If not, this could be affecting your child’s comprehension and test-taking skills. Don’t let your child have word reading gaps another day. You can fill in the gaps easy, with this fast, fun program of games and activities to have your child improve reading rapidly.
Off the Wall Phonics teaches pre-K, K and 1st grade children how to read within a few weeks or months, and helps 99% of all students in grades 2-12 reach college level reading on average of 12-20 weeks. In public schools, within the 8 months of a school year it has helped schools go from below state standards in reading to meeting and exceeding state standards through its accelerated learning approach using Superlinks learning styles. Off the Wall Phonics curriculum teaches all the phonics needed to read fluently at a college level within 12-20 sessions–that’s about 3 to 5 months if one works at it week at home or at school.
This accelerated phonics program is currently used in public schools, private schools, charter schools, home-schools, and by parents to supplement their child’s schoolwork at home throughout the United States and many countries around the world, from Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, and South and Central America. Order Off the Wall phonics program to accelerate all areas of phonics from beginninng levels to college-level word-reading to prepare for the vocabulary on the ACT or SAT college entrance exams. This program is a must for anyone who wants to take students to college-level advanced phonics and word-reading skills.
It can be given to anyone from pre-school and kindergarten to grades 1-12, college, and adult.
Keys Learning offers Off the Wall Phonics, the best Accelerated Phonics Curriculum through learning styles, for kinesthetic, tactile, visual, and auditory learners with both left-brain and right-brain hemispheric preferences.
Proven to help students raise reading levels quickly in regular education, special education, gifted, ELL, or Title 1 programs, and those diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, dyslexia, learning disabilities, or reading disabilities. This program has won an award from IASCD (Illinois Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development) for raising student’s reading grades in the public school on an average of two to five years above their age in less than a school year!When you want to select a phonics program to move your child to college level reading in the shortest possible time, why not choose the best–Off the Wall Phonics, the kinesthtic phonics program from Keys to Reading Success!
Perfect for parents to use at home for homeschool, summer school, after-school, or for reading tutoring for your child. Click here to order.
To pass the word to family and friends, they can order from
through the online ordering.
Guaranteed to improve your child’s reading if you follow the simple steps in the program. If you order each level, one at a time and feel that even after trying the program you are not getting results, you can cancel at any time, and we offer a No Risk–Money back guarantee for all unused levels. You only pay for the one level you tried, and the rest will be a no-questions asked refund.
Published by: National Reading Diagnostics Institute and Keys Learning, 1755 Park St., Ste. 160, Naperville, IL 60563. Tele: (630) 717-4221. Email:
Still not sure if this program is right for you? Attend a free webinar with the author of Off the Wall Phonics and Keys to Reading Success by registering at
to find out how rapidaly you can solve your child’s reading problems that may be based on phonics gaps! If you cannot make it at the given time, you can register anyway to hear the replay at a time convenient for you.
PT$99.00 per level: Special discount as a trial offer: Get Off the Wall Phonics Game levels 1 and 2 for only 49.00 together!This special price won’t last long!
Keys to Reading Success:
Keys to Reading Success gives parents the professional, yet easy-to-use, affordable reading diagnosis, learning style tests, and reading improvement lesson plans to provide reading help for all students, from pre-K, K-12, and college (in regular education, special education, Title 1, ELL or English-language learners, bi-lingual, and gifted programs) in an accelerated way.
Keys to Reading Success ends your child’s frustration and struggle with reading and builds success, self-esteem, and motivation starting today.Raise your child’s reading level and raise reading test scores now. Don’t wait another day with your child experiencing reading frustration with comprehenion, test-taking, fluency, or phonics skills. We can fix the problem starting right now. We also help children of all ages who are already doing well or who are gifted to stay ahead to remain at the top of the class, and accelerate years beyond their age in reading. If you want to prepare your child for scoring high on reading tests and scoring high on the ACT or SAT college prep tests, get them started with Keys to Reading Success’s online test prep and state reading test prep program. Keys to Reading Success provides you mentoring and help by the nation’s leading reading expert and accelerated learning pioneer in the comfort of your own home through the power of Internet technology.
Keys to Reading Success is an easy, affordable program that instantly diagnoses your child’s reading level and fastest learning style and brain style and reading skills, and gives you an individual prescriptive plan to raise your child’s reading levels in the shortest possible time through your child’s best learning style.
The prescriptive plan including your child’s best learning style and brain style gives you the most comprehensive report available today personalized for your child on how to fix any gaps in comprehension, phonics skills, fluency, vocabulary, phonemic awareness, and test-taking skills, (for preparation for the ACT, SAT, and state reading tests) to raise achievement and raise reading level within days, weeks, and months through our proven and tested accelerated learning methods and materials through learning styles and brain styles.
Keys to Reading Success with its Superlinks to Accelerated Learning Styles assessment also finds your child’s fastest and most effective learning style and brain style (brain hemispheric preference). Find out if your child’s learning style, and whether he or she is a visual, auditory, tactile, or kinesthetic learner, and whether he or she has a right brain hemispheric preference or a left brain hemispheric preference. Find out why this is the best, fastest, and most proven reading and learning styles program in the country, developed by one of the nation’s leading experts in accelerated learning, learning styles and brain styles (Superlinks), and reading. When you are looking for a reading coach or reading tutor and learning styles expert for your child, don’t you want the best? Give the gift of reading to yourself, your children, or your students!
KEYS TO READING SUCCESS, our AWARD-WINNING READING PROGRAM, is an on-line Internet-based reading diagnosis test and learning styles test and brain styles test for parents and teachers in home or in schools, PROVEN TO RAISE READING LEVELS IN 88-98% OF ALL K-12 STUDENTS FROM TWO TO FIVE GRADE LEVELS above their age in WEEKS AND MONTHS (including Special Education, ELL, Bi-lingual, Title 1, Gifted, and Regular Education students, for elementary, middle, and high schools). IF YOU WANT TO RAISE READING LEVELS of your pre-K or Grade K-12 child or students TO GRADE LEVEL AND BEYOND IN WEEKS AND MONTHS AND HELP YOUR SCHOOL MAKE AYP (ADEQUATE YEARLY PROGRESS) on state reading assessments, CALL FOR INFORMATION: (630) 717-4221 or visit or email:
BONUS: Raising your child’s reading level through learning styles and brain styles also solves discipline problems by helping your child learn to read successfully and love reading. Fun, engaged reading instruction and reading lessons through your child’ learning styles helps students love to read and become great readers. Knowing your own learning style and your child’s learning styles also helps family communication and ends the home tension and frustration when you help your child with homework. Keys to Reading Success parent involvement helps you to help your child by teaching in his or her best learning style which makes learning fun, successful, and stress-free!
If you are a parent or teacher, and would like to improve your child’s, teen’s, or students’ reading skills and abilities, academic achievement, study skills, memory, or test-taking abilities or to diagnose and solve a reading problem through their best learning style and brain style, visit or call us at (630) 717-4221 to find out how we can help you. You can explore this web-site as well as, both part of National Reading Diagnostics Institute, headquartered in Naperville, Illinois, to learn about our many services, books, and products. (No charge for inquiry calls!) We can also help college students and adults improve reading, memory, and learning skills. Think of and as your personal coach and trainer in the area of accelerated learning, learning styles, brain styles, reading, and school achievement! You can write in questions for free advice in our “Ask the Reading Expert” column. We have helped thousands of parents from around the country end their frustration by giving them someone who can solve their problems and finally give them answers to help their children succeed. With Keys to Reading Success, you are not alone. Feel free to call to inquire about ways we can help you and your family or students reach their full potential!
We also offer National Reading Diagnostics Institute for on-site, in-person individual reading diagnosis, learning style and brain hemispheric preference assessments, and teaching and private tutoring sessions in Naperville, Illinois, to parents and teachers from all over the country. NOW ACCEPTING REGISTRATIONS FOR pre-K and Grades K-12 and college AFTER-SCHOOL ACCELERATED LEARNING AND READING PROGRAMS IN NAPERVILLE, ILLINOIS, to help students get a head start in the new school term. Read below for examples of schools who have made significant gains on state reading tests using our reading materials:
National Reading Diagnostics Institute also offers Interactive Metronome Training (IM) (Trademarked by Interactive Metronome), a research proven training that improves concentration, timing, motor planning, and sequencing to improve performance academically and in sports and has helped students with ADHD. For more information, call (630) 717-4221 .
Who Are We? Keys Learning, Keys to Learning Success, (, Keys to Reading Success (, and are the on-line versions of National Reading Diagnostics Institute and Keys Learning, an accelerated learning and accelerated reading center, directed by reading expert and author, Ricki Linksman, one of the nation’s leaders in helping people of all ages read at and above grade level, score high on tests, and improve grades within months. (For credentials, testimonials, and list of clients, click the button “About Ricki Linksman”. Ricki Linksman was the first to develop an entire K-12 reading curriculum based on learning styles, and teachers in schools all over the country receive training from her in accelerated learning techniques.
What Do We Do?
Keys to Reading Success, and National Reading Diagnostics Institute specialize in accelerated reading in which we raise reading levels in students pre-K-12, several grade levels above their age with proven results within weeks and months! For 33 years, the director, Ricki Linksman, M.Ed., author of the popular books: Solving Your Child’s Reading Problems, Your Child Can Be a Great Reader, How to Learn Anything Quickly, published by Barnes and Noble, and Parent Tips in Davidson’s software Reading Blaster: Ages 9-12, has helped thousands of students of all ages learn to read and improve in study skills in the shortest possible time. In weeks and months, we have helped raise the reading level of students (K-12, college, and adult) to grade level and beyond (from 2-5 years above grade level) both individually and in public and private schools throughout the United States. How do we do it? Our methods involve accurate reading diagnosis, multisensory teaching through learning styles and brain style (brain hemispheric preference) assessments, teaching reading through learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile, kinesthetic, left-brain and right-brain methods), and teaching all aspects of reading from phonics to reading comprehension, phonemic awareness, early reading skills, study skills, note-taking, test-taking skills, memory improvement, and metacognitive thinking. Parents and teachers in public and private schools throughout the country as well as home-schools have been using this program for years with outstanding, proven results and it is now available on-line to schools through Keys to Reading Success!
“The program works! 88% of our 1st, 2nd and 3rd grade students rose 1-5 reading levels above grade level in 9 months. It is awesome!” –Principal, R. Lewis, Sipley Elementary, Woodridge, Illinois
“Our junior high school went from 2/3 of the students below state level on state assessment tests to 2/3 of the students above state level within eight months.” –Principal, Cook County, Illinois
“My high school son was getting D’s and F’s, but after a reading diagnosis and learning style assessment from National Reading Diagnostics Institute and receiving instruction in study skills and memory skills in his learning style, he is now getting A’s. National Reading Diagnostics Institute also helped him on his SAT’s and ACT’s.”–M.O., Parent, Naperville, Illinois
From the Iowa “Gazette,” Cedar Rapids, Iowa:
“Author Ricki Linksman has plenty of tips for parents who want to be sure their kids love to read, and can read well. Her book, ‘Your Child Can Be a Great Reader’ argues that parents should supplement school education with home tutoring in reading, and she offers lesson plans to that end.” (January 3, 1999)
From the “Abilene Reporter-News,” Abilene, Texas:
“This step-by-step guide is designed to help children overcome every kind of reading problem and get back up to grade level or beyond. It is filled with short, fun activities to do at home and provides pointers to boost self-esteem and motivation.” (Jan. 24, 1999)
From “Woman News,” New York, New York:
“There is a way to learn anything you want rapidly and successfully. The technique can be applied to any sort of learning in any field you choose. Each of us has a superlink–the easiest method for us to fully learn information….Once you’ve found your superlink, you can use it to learn in ways that are easy, effortless, and automatic.” From How to Learn Anything Quickly, by Ricki Linksman–as published in an article in New York’s “Woman News” called, “Mind Power: Smarten Up! Tap into Your Brain’s Superlink–Learning Becomes Easy, Effortless, and Automatic,” April 1998 edition
From “L.A. Parent” and “San Diego Parent,” California:
“‘All children in California will be reading at grade level or above by the end of third grade.’ With this promise, California state leaders have made reading instruction in the early grades (K through 3) a top priority in the public schools. So while the politicians are trying to do their part, how can parents help their little readers measure up? According to Ricki Linksman, author of Your Child Can Be a Great Reader, parents should first figure out their child’s learning style. ‘Research shows that each of us receives information in different ways. Visual learners learn best through their eyes, auditory learners through their ears, tactile learners by touching, and kinesthetic learners by moving around.'”–from an article in the “L.A. Times” and “San Diego Times,” called “What is Your Child’s Reading Style? If You Know How Your Child Reads You Can Help Him/Her Learn,” by Judy Molland, March 1999
Who Have We Helped?
Students K-12, college, and adult, both regular ed and special ed; gifted and honors students; and
Special needs: dyslexia, learning disabilities, ADD or ADHD, ESL, bi-lingual, kinesthetic learners, tactile learners, auditory learners, visual learners, left-brain learners, right-brain learners, adult literacy students, and international students.
How Can We Help You?
If you are a parent, teacher, tutor, instructor, trainer, or employer, we can help you help your children, students, trainees, or employees to read at or above grade level, improve study skills and performance, raise test scores on standardized, state, or local tests, and improve grades. If you are a student or adult, we can teach you to read and improve your scores and grades. Why suffer and struggle any longer? We have helped thousands of people, and within months we can help you become a successful reader and student! Here is how easy it is:
Order any of our materials that matches your child or teen’s needs and see the amazing results that others who have used them have found.
If you are not sure of what kind of help your child needs, you can get an in-home license for Keys to Reading Success to do an easy in-home online reading diagnostic test to find your child’s reading level and reading skills with a prescriptive plan on what to do to raise your child’s reading level in the shortest possible time. Go
to order.
Also: AFTER-SCHOOL, SUMMER SCHOOL, OR HOME-SCHOOL ACCELERATED LEARNING AND READING PROGRAM: National Reading Diagnostics Institute is offering its on-going fall, winter, spring, and summer after-school accelerated programs in the Naperville, Illinois area. Students come once a week for a class for help in reading, writing, study skills, note-taking, test-taking, memory skills, and content area instruction. It is open to students grades K-12, college, and adults. We also offer pre-school reading programs. Those who live in DuPage Country, Will County, Kane County, Kendall County, Grundy County, Cook County, or McHenry County can conveniently reach the Naperville site to register their children. Parents also visit from all over the country for a reading diagnostic test. Programs includes a full reading diagnostic and a learning style/brain style profile, plus private tutoring sessions. Programs being offered: Accelerated Phonics through Learning Style (Pre-school and K-12); Accelerated Comprehension through Learning Styles (literal, inferential comprehension, content area reading, study skills, memory, note-taking, and test-taking skills, including ISAT reading test preparation strategies, ACT and SAT test preparation for reading comprehension, and high school entrance exam test preparation) (Grades 1-12). You can register at any time of year for summer school or after-school tutoring available throughout the year. Call (630) 717-4221 to register. We also continue to offer private reading diagnostic testing and learning style/brain style assessments throughout the year, after school and during the summer.
On-going: Using Interactive Metronome Training to Increase Attention Span, Focus, and Concentration for ADHD; Using Interactive Metronome for All Students to Improve Attention Span and Concentration; and Using Interactive Metronome Training to Improve Golf Performance for Teens and Adults (call for information. Call (630) 717-4221.
For Other Reading Improvement Services, What Do You Need to Do?
Step 1: Reading Diagnosis–Can Your Children or Students Read at the Level at Which Their School Textbooks Are Written? It is important to know their reading level to make sure they can read at the level at which their reading, social studies, science, and math textbooks are written. Take our Keys to Reading Success online reading diagnosis test to find out your own or your child’s or students’ current reading level and to pinpoint the exact reading difficulty and what you need to improve. To order, go to www,
Step 2: Phonics Skills Diagnosis : Take our Keys to Reading Success diagnostic phonics test to find out if your child, student, trainees, or employees need phonics skills and which skills are needed. To order: go to:
Step 3: Superlinks Assessment (Learning Style Assessment and Brain Hemispheric Preference Assessment Take our learning style and brain style assessment to find your superlink to accelerated learning. Are you a visual left brain, visual right brain, auditory left brain, auditory right brain, tactile left brain, tactile right brain, kinesthetic left brain, or kinesthetic right brain learner or a combination of these? Knowing this information can accelerate your learning of reading, or any other academic subject, work-related skills, hobby, sport, or any area of interest. To order: go to:
For information about products, call or write: National Reading Diagnostics Institute and Keys Learning, 1755 Park St., Ste. 200, Naperville, IL 60563. (630) 717-4221.
Step 4: The above Keys to Reading Success assessments will give you a personalized plan of what your child needs to improve in reading. From the personalized profile there are targetted lesson plans in phonics, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, and phonemic awareness, along with test-taking skills to prepare for state reading tests, the ACT and SAT to fill in the gaps to make your child a great reader and student. The lesson plans include in Keys to Reading Success include Accelerated Phonics through Learning Styles; Literal and Inferential Comprehension through Learning Styles; and Memory, Study Skills, Note-Taking, and Test-taking Skills through Learning Styles. Get the complete suite of Keys to Reading Success with assessments and lesson plans for a special affordable price. To order, To go to:
SPECIAL OFFER FOR TEACHERS (K-12, college, and adult education): If you would like us to help you assess your entire class for either reading diagnosis (to determine their reading level, word reading level, and comprehension level), phonics diagnosis, and/or learning style assessments, we can arrange to assess your entire class. To order: go to:
or call (630) 717-4221 for more information.
TEACHERS AND PARENTS: MAKE YOUR ELEMENTARY, MIDDLE, OR HIGH SCHOOL A KEYS TO READING SUCCESS ACCELERATED LEARNING SCHOOL TO RAISE READING LEVELS AND TEST SCORES: We offer a pre-K, K-12 school-wide reading improvement program to insure that students raise their reading levels from several grade levels within 9 months. Schools throughout the country are adopting our Keys to Reading Success accelerated phonics and/or comprehension, study skills, test-taking, and memory programs to accelerate progress in reading. These include elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Schools that have used the program over the past 5 years have shown proven, measurable gains in reading within as short a time as one school year. State test scores have also risen dramatically in these schools. If you would like to raise test scores and reading levels, help is available. Contact us at (630) 717-4221 to find out how your school can adopt the Keys to Reading Success program to accelerate the acquisition of reading skills in phonics, phonemic awareness, comprehension, vocabulary, fluency, study skills, memory improvement, and test-taking skills. It is a cost-effective, proven program with measurable results.
As a special service, allows you to write in questions for free and they will be posted with an answer (without your name, if you wish, for confidentiality) in our special “Ask the Reading Expert” page of this website. Questions can be on any topic in the field of reading instruction, diagnosis, learning styles, brain styles, accelerated learning, memory improvement, study skills, test-taking skills, or learning skills for any subject. You may ask about special topics such as ADD, learning disabilities, dyslexia, kinesthetic, tactile, auditory, visual and/or right brain and left brain learners, gifted, home-schooling, adult literacy, ESL and bi-lingual, or other related topics. Email your question to:
Note: As the volume of email received is large, allow 3-4 weeks for a reply.
Privacy Statement: All emails or orders placed are kept in the strictest confidentiality. We do not sell or give mailing lists to anyone. Your name, address, phone number, and email address will not be sold or used by anyone except to answer your queries or fill your orders.
Ordering: You can order by phone: (630) 717-4221, by fax: (630) 778-0220, or by mail to National Reading Diagnostics Institute, 1755 Park St., Ste. 200, Naperville, IL 60563. Specify the item you wish, quantity, and include a check, money order, or your credit card number and expiration date.
BACK IN STOCK! “YOUR CHILD CAN BE A GREAT READER”: The book which was back ordered is now available again. You can order by clicking below, or by phone (630) 717-4221, or by Fax: (630) 778-0220, or by writing, National Reading Diagnostics Institute, 1755 Park St., Ste. 200, Naperville, IL 60563. Price: $14.95 plus $10.00 shipping and handling. “This is the clearest, most sensible, and most helpful book I have come across. It has helped me pinpoint what has been holding my child back in reading and has offered practical answers.” –Parent, Michigan.
For Parents: Need Ideas to Keep Your Children Reading? Click on the menu button: “Help for Parents” for our on-line course: “How to Create Family Reading Time.” We also offer free on-line seminars through the “Help for Parents” page: “How Parents are a Child’s Best Tutor” and “How Learning Styles Can Improve Your Child’s Reading.”