Improve study and note-taking skills and raise test scores with the following materials:
Keys to Reading Success, contains thousands of activities and lesson plans in all learning styles (visual, auditory, tactile, and kinesthetic, with both right brain and left brain hemispheric preference) to improve memory, note-Taking, study skills, and test-taking skills through learning styles and brain styles.
For grades K-12, college, and even adult, these high powered lessons have been proven to raise grades and reading levels in the shortest possible time. Test-taking lessons have been used to raise state reading tests scores, classroom test scores, high school placement test scores, and the ACT and SAT college prep test scores.
This online resources with lessons and activities is ordered by purchasing a license for individuals or licenses with bulk discount orders for schools and tutoring centers. Learn more HERE.
For assessing your best way to study, take the following assessment: Superlinks Learning Styles Assessment (includes the Linksman Learning Style Preference Assessment and Brain Hemispheric Preference Assessment.) Learn more about our SuperLinks Assessment HERE.